Jeannie Mai is officially leaving ‘Dancing With the Stars’ on her own will accord after being diagnosed with a medical condition that requires surgery.

What started as something as simple as a sore throat turned out to be something far more serious that had closed almost 60% of Jeannie’s throat and required immediate surgery, and Jeannie’s exit from the show. She updated her fans in an Instagram post from the hospital.


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I would never imagine ever having to write this, but I made it safely out of my emergency surgery. I will be forever grateful to Dr. Nasseri who identified my potentially life-threatening condition. What simply started as a sore throat had unbeknownst to me become a dangerous infection that already closed at least 60% of my airway and resulted in a throat abscess that spread in a matter of 3 days. Although I am grateful to be recovering safely, I can’t lie… I am devastated by the fact that my journey with #DWTS will end this way 🥺😞 Dancing on this show has been the most exhilarating adventure. I’ve gained both beautiful friendships and loving supporters. To my partner, @Brandonarmstrong, I’m sorry you don’t get to make fun of my moves anymore while I gift you life gems on how to be a grown up🤭🤪 Love u so much lil bro, and will ALWAYS cherish the memories we made!!! And more good news? My thumbs still work hunnay, so I can spread my 20 votes across these final 8 superstar teams!!! Please everyone, TONIGHT watch for your fave #DWTS couple killen it in the ballroom cuz #TeamDreamofJeannie, we gotta share our love and VOTE!!! #TeamReachForTheSkai #TeamSellingIt #TeamLOCOmotion #TeamBriJo #TeamWillYouAcceptThisDance #TeamPrettyMessedUp #TeamBeNeevers #TeamDaNelly LEGGGGGO💯‼

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