Drake Sends Young Fan Fighting Brain Cancer A Message

Drake sent a video message for Zelek Murray, a 14-year-old who had to spend his birthday in the hospital.




On a GoFundMe page for Murray, his mother Temeka notes that he has been battling a rare form of brain cancer since he was nine years old. In the video from Drake (which Temeka shared on Instagram), Drake says, ” I can’t imagine how tough you have to be, and Mustafa let me know how you’re a fan of mine. Well, I’m a fan of you. I’m a fan of people with heart, and I can tell that you have a lot of heart. I just wanna tell you, stay strong, I love you, and I appreciate you.”



Temeka later posted a video of Murray reacting to the message from Drake. From the moment he heard Drake say his name, he hung his mouth open in shock, looking back and forth at the tablet screen and his mother.


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