Woman Sues McDonald’s Because Their Ad Made Her Break Her Lent Promise

If you can manage to make it through the day without suing a fast food chain for “making” you break your Lenten promise… you’re doing OK.

A Russian woman named Ksenia Ovchinnikova is suing McDonald’s after claiming that a mouthwatering cheeseburger ad made her break her fast during Lent.

“When I saw an advertising banner — I could not help myself,” said Ovchinnikova in a court statement.

Despite successfully fasting for the last 16 YEARS…that burger looked too dang tasty to pass up. So she caved and went to McD’s for a cheeseburger and now she’s mad.  So mad that she’s suing McDonald’s for $14 for breaching consumer protection law and insulting her religious feelings.

“In the actions of McDonald’s, I see a violation of the consumer protection law,” she fumed. “I ask the court to investigate and, if a violation has taken place, to oblige McDonald’s LLC to compensate me for moral damage in the amount of one thousand rubles ($14).”

Kinda need to know if she wins because this could open up a BIG can of worms in the form of other frivolous lawsuits right? OH…and kudos to the advertising geniuses that make those burgers look so enticing!



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