Jeremy Esposito posted a video last month on Facebook showing nurses playing a lunch break Nerf war with his 4-year-old son Drew, and it’s getting attention for all the right reasons.

News partners WAVE3 did a story on the post that went viral.

Drew is in the hospital for treatment for medulloblastoma, a brain cancer.

Drew was diagnosed on Christmas Eve. His parents, Jeremy and Sondra, took him to the doctor thinking he had an ear infection. Doctors found a tumor. The next day, he underwent a 12-hour surgery to remove the tumor.

“So we came in Christmas Day and had an awesome surgery and this crazy kid has been fighting it ever since,” Jeremy said.

Taylor Bergman, a nurse at Norton Children’s, met the Esposito family not long after Drew was admitted. She said everyone immediately loved the boy. He told her that he and his family like to have Nerf wars in his room since he can’t leave…and she gathered the troops!


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