Source: YouTube

Talk about mental toughness!

A former Houston TV anchor wanted to celebrate getting over a long illness by competing in an Ironman…but it was even harder after he broke both of his wrists on mile 4 of the bike-riding part. Art Rascon is 60 and completed the 2.4-mile swim with no issues, but still had a long way to go when he crashed his bike. “I just said ‘OK, this is just something I have to endure for the next 108 miles.’ And so I just continued,” he said. “Every bump in the road I literally screamed out loud in pain.”

He still had to run 26.2 miles, using one arm to support the more badly injured one. Despite all that, he crossed the finish line under the 17 hour deadline at 15 hours, 16 minutes, and 37 seconds. The best part was that his mom was there to put his medal around his neck. She was a volunteer at the race and asked to be the one to give it to him. “That was the most incredible moment ever,” he said.

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