Pegasus Parade Will Be Super Powered By Black Panther, Spider-Man, Captain America, And More
The 2019 Pegasus Parade is coming May 2nd with the perfect theme considering Avengers: End Game. It’s SUPER POWERED! And yes, we will be in it!
This year’s Republic Bank Pegasus Parade will celebrate everyone’s favorite superheroes. Themed “Pegasus Power,” the Kentucky Derby Festival is inviting everyone who comes to the parade to dress in superhero costumes. Also in costume will be this year’s Grand Marshals, who are heroes in comic books and on the big screen – Black Panther, Spider-Man, Captain America and Black Widow. The Marvel Characters will ride down Broadway on May 2.
Drawing for @RepublicBank Pegasus Parade position tonight at @SuperChef_23. Join your fav Super Heroes on May 2 as @KyDerbyFestival marches down Broadway for the 64th time! #KYDerbyFestival #PegasusPower #GoldWings
— Mike Berry (@KDFPrez) April 16, 2019
Before the parade, fans can see the floats, inflatables, equestrian units and much more on display at the Pegasus Parade Preview Party on Tuesday, April 30, at the Kentucky Exposition Center, in South Wing C. Admission is a 2019 Pegasus Pin.