Jude Law Really Dove Into His Character In A Stinky Way
Jude Law played Henry VIII in the upcoming movie Firebrand, and really wanted to be authentic. So he wore a custom poop-scented perfume to recreate Henry VIII’s supposed stench. “I read several interesting accounts that you could smell Henry three rooms away. His leg was rotting so badly,” Law said Monday. “He hid it with rose oil. I thought it would have a great impact if I smelt awful.” Bet his co-stars really appreciate this level of method acting LOL!
Apparently, the former King of England’s odor stemmed from leg ulcers he suffered in his final years. So Law sought out a perfume maker for the job: “She makes wonderful scents, and she also makes awful scents. She somehow came up with this extraordinary variety of blood, fecal matter, and sweat.” He started out wearing just a little…then he said “it became a spray-fest.”
As you can imagine, the director said it was “just horrible” when Law walked on set. Firebrand is based on the 2013 novel Queen’s Gambit.