If it was your dream to see yourself as an action figure, it’s an amazing time to be alive!

Hasbro is making that possible and it’s not super outlandishly expensive!  It’s not cheap per se, but $60 bucks isn’t out of control.

Hasbro is teaming up with 3D-printing lab Formlabs to print your face on an action figure. The Hasbro Selfie Series will let people take a scan of their face with their phone and have a custom-made, look-a-like action figure delivered.

You can pick to be an X-Wing Pilot, Ghostbuster, Power Ranger or Snake Eyes from GI Joe, among others. It’s part of Formlabs’ growing project to make 3D printing a viable way of making customized, mass-market products. They’ve already formed a partnership with Sennheiser to make 3D-printed earbuds.

If you want to order, you have to first download their app Hasbro Pulse, and get your face ready to be immortalized. The actual scans will open up closer to the expected ship date in the Fall, after which point you’ll be asked to pay $60 (plus taxes) and wait for your six-inch, “collector-grade” figure to arrive.


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