Google Doodle Salutes The Inventor of Nachos
Taco Tuesday AND Thursday! Google Doodle has served up a tasty tribute to the inventor of nachos, Ignacio Anaya Garcia and his 124th birthday.
The doodle tells the story of Garcia’s need to feed a group of Army wives who stopped into a restaurant in Mexico in 1943 looking for a snack. Maitre D’ Garcia would top tortilla chips with cheese and more, turning those cravings into of America’s most beloved snacks.
But why are they called “nachos”? Nachos was Garcia’s nickname. “Nacho’s Especiales” was the name of the plate when Garcia’s restaurant added his invention to their menu. “Nachos” first appeared in American cookbooks in 1949 and dropped the apostrophe and “especiales”.
What are some of your favorite nacho toppings? Do you like your tortilla chips crunchy or a little soggy?