Jim Morrison’s death did nothing to stop music companies from releasing Doors tracks featuring his voice, repackaging the same catalogue of songs countless times in the past 48 years. That tradition continues with the upcoming release of the deluxe edition of The Soft Parade.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of its release, the Doors’ forth album has been revamped into a three-CD set. Two of the discs are filled with bonus material like practice sessions with Ray Manzarek on vocals; outtakes; and even an hour-long version of the song “Rock is Dead.” The other CD features the original album — remastered with a couple bonus tracks, of course.

The deluxe edition of The Soft Parade, which will also be released on vinyl, is due October 18th.

Is there ever a noticeable difference between remastered songs and the originals? Do you buy music you already own simply because it’s been repackaged?

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