Source: YouTube

This dad just slayed making an outfit for his daughter inspired by one of Beyonce’s dresses.

Valera posted footage of her dad, Jose Peralta, on Tik Tok hard at work pinning the fabric on her at their dining room table and whipping up the perfect Beyonce’ knock off dress on the sewing machine. She got tons of comments like “This dad needs to be protected at all costs,” and “Your dad has phenomenal skills, and you look amazing in what he made!” 


@geselle_v My dad made my outfit for the beyonce concert the night before! #rwt2023 #beyonce #cozydance #cozydancechallenge #renaissanceworldtour @Beyoncé ♬ THIS A REMINDER – Beyoncé


@geselle_v #greenscreen my dad made my outfit for the beyonce concert and it blew up which resulted in an article acknowledging his kind heart and @dovemencare reaching out to send product! I appreciate every single person that shared the video, liked it, commented, shared! #dadmademyoutfit #beyonceconcert ♬ original sound – Geselle.V

All the attention prompted Dove to send him some of their Men’s Care products, and Valera said her dad is the kindest, gentlest angel…just an incredible man that does so much for so many!


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